Ward Boundary and Parish Council Consultation
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Parish Consultation Decision (September 2022)
Fabulous news! At Rushcliffe Borough Council's full council meeting held on Thursday 29th September 2022, our proposal to become a parish was approved.
The next stage is to formalise the creation of our parish, which includes requesting approval from the Secretary of State, along with drafting a constitution, hiring a parish clerk, and other regulatory and administrative measures (including a general meeting of USRAcic members) required to transition from USRAcic to the new parish council.
At the next local council elections being held in May 2023, we will elect our councillors and begin the process of governance from within our community.
You can read the full governance review presented to the council meeting, along with additional supporting papers, on RBC’s website listed under agenda item 10 - https://democracy.rushcliffe.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=145&MId=1106
You can also watch and listen to the streamed meeting on RBC’s YouTube channel, the discussions start at 1:07:00 running through to 1:17:20.
Thank you for your support and encouragement during the consultation process. We hope you agree that this is a positive result for our community.
Rushcliffe Borough Council Parish Consultation (June 2022)
Parish Council status is progressing with the final stage of the consultation with village residents taking place now. You should have received a leaflet through your letterbox from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC), which details their recommendations, but do let us know if not. We encourage you to participate in the final stage of this process by responding to RBC with your wishes even if you had previously responded to the earlier stages of the consultation.
Rushcliffe Ward Boundary Review (June 2022)
Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) has released their final recommendations for changes to ward boundaries in Rushcliffe. Our village will be in the Borough Council Ward of Newton, along with Newton and Shelford villages, rather than Cropwell villages as previously expected. This will not affect our Parish Council status but may help as both Newton and Shelford have their own Parish Councils. You can read more details of LGBCE’s report on their website - https://www.lgbce.org.uk/all-reviews/east-midlands/nottinghamshire/rushcliffe
Rushcliffe Borough Council Parish Consultation (April 2022)
By now village residents should have received a leaflet through their letterbox from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) consulting about our petition to create an Upper Saxondale parish.
It is important that as many residents as possible respond to say whether they would like to see a new parish created. Even if you signed the original USRA petition it is still important that you respond to the RBC consultation leaflet by Friday 13th May 2022 at the latest.
A few village residents have told us that they haven't received a copy of the RBC consultation leaflet. Please let us know if you haven't received yours too.
RBC have more information about the consultation on their website www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/uppersaxondale. You can also revisit our page on the Upper Saxondale website www.uppersaxondale.com/parish-petition, or contact us via info@uppersaxondale.com if you have any queries.
Rushcliffe Borough Council Parish Consultation (March 2022)
On or around Monday 21st March residents will receive a leaflet through their letterbox from Rushcliffe Borough Council.
As a consequence of the successful submission of our petition to create an Upper Saxondale parish with its own parish council, the Council has instigated a Community Governance Review. This review will decide whether to create an Upper Saxondale parish. As part of the review, the Council wants to hear directly from residents regarding the proposal.
The leaflet is the first stage of a two-stage consultation and residents will be asked to respond at both stages. Residents will be able to register their views by post, email or phone.
Please can you look out for this leaflet. It is important that as many residents as possible respond to say whether they would like to see a new parish set up for Upper Saxondale. Even if you signed the petition it is important that you respond to the consultation.
If you weren’t able to sign the petition, this is an opportunity to express your view. If you were one of the 235 residents who signed the petition, thank you and please do respond to the consultation.
The leaflet will include this link www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/uppersaxondale which goes live from Monday 21st March.
If you wish you can also revisit our page on the Upper Saxondale website www.uppersaxondale.com/parish-petition.
When you have read the leaflet, if you have any queries please contact info@uppersaxondale.com and one of us will get back to you.
Many thanks,
USRA Committee
Electoral Ward Boundary Review (March 2022)
The initial recommendations of the LGBCE review covering the Rushcliffe area, published in October 2021, put the whole of Upper Saxondale in the Cropwell ward, which is of course what USRA proposed. In response to feedback with regard to other aspects of its proposals, the LGBCE published some alternative recommendations in March 2022, which instead put the whole of Upper Saxondale in the Newton ward, along with Newton, Shelford and Saxondale. USRA is responding to say that we much prefer to be in the Cropwell ward as originally proposed, as we have more in common with Cropwell Butler than with Newton, Shelford and Saxondale, and that the A52 is a real barrier to access to those villages from Upper Saxondale.
Our proposal for Upper Saxondale to be a new parish with its own parish council is an entirely separate process from the ward boundary review. The key point is that whichever ward we are in, the LGBCE has recognised the Upper Saxondale should not be split between wards as at present but should be wholly within one ward. This should be helpful to us achieving parish status.
Parish Petition (January 2022)
The petition gained tremendous support from villagers in favour of creating a new Upper Saxondale parish, achieving in excess of 230 signatures. It was presented to an initial meeting with Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) in November 2021, who will discuss it at their next Full Council meeting in March 2022. Hopefully, RBC will take note of the LGBCE recommendations for our village.