Proposed Ward and Parish Boundary Changes
Background Document - Prepared by USRAcic*
Map 1 - Existing Ward & Parish Boundaries
Map 1 shows, in orange, the existing boundaries of the Radcliffe on Trent and Cropwell Butler parishes. The boundary where the two parishes adjoin (which passes through Upper Saxondale) is also the boundary between the Radcliffe on Trent ward and the Cropwell ward.
Map 2 - Existing & Proposed Ward & Parish Boundaries
Map 2 shows the area around Upper Saxondale to a larger scale. The existing parish/ward boundaries are in orange. The proposed new boundary between the Radcliffe on Trent ward and the Cropwell ward is in purple - this will replace the existing boundary shown as a broken orange line and puts the whole of Upper Saxondale in the Cropwell ward.
The boundary of the proposed new parish of Upper Saxondale is shown in blue.
Description of Proposed Ward Boundary Change
At present the boundary between the Radcliffe on Trent ward and the Cropwell ward runs through Upper Saxondale. The boundary runs from the A52 along old Henson Lane, then turns south-west along the boundary of our orchard and nature reserve. This means that the houses to the east of Henson Lane (including Pimlico Close and Henson Close) are in the Cropwell ward, whilst the remainder of Upper Saxondale is in the Radcliffe on Trent ward. It would make more sense if the whole of Upper Saxondale was in one ward (and given that we aim to create a separate parish of Upper Saxondale, this new parish would then be wholly within one ward). Our strong preference is for Upper Saxondale to be in the Cropwell ward, for the reasons stated above.
Essentially, we are proposing to move the existing boundary to the west in order that the whole of Upper Saxondale falls within the area of the Cropwell ward. The new boundary will run from the A52 along the south side of Saxondale Drive (so that the houses on Saxondale Drive, as part of Upper Saxondale, will be within the Cropwell ward). Just over half-way along Saxondale Drive the boundary will turn south-west, and run between the fields on the one side, and the wooded area and houses on the other side. Opposite the end of Hammersmith Close, the boundary will turn and run south-east along the boundaries of the houses on Hammersmith Close and Queen Mary’s Close and the nature reserve, then turn south-west to re-join the existing boundary at the corner of the nature reserve.
Description of Proposed Parish Boundary Change
The present boundary between the Cropwell Butler and Radcliffe on Trent parishes is coincident with the ward boundary, with part of Upper Saxondale being in the Cropwell Butler parish and the remainder in the Radcliffe on Trent parish. We are proposing that Upper Saxondale should become a separate parish. The western boundary of the proposed new parish will be coincident with the proposed new ward boundary, described above. Starting from the junction of the A52 and Saxondale Drive, the proposed northern and eastern parish boundary will initially follow the present boundary of the Cropwell Butler parish eastwards along the old A52 to the Shell roundabout, then south along the old A46. The boundary will then continue along the old A46 to the junction with Henson Lane and run north-west along Henson Lane. It will then run south-west along the boundary between the fields on one side and the orchard and nature reserve on the other side, meeting the western boundary at the corner of the nature reserve.
*Upper Saxondale Residents Association Community Interest Company