Upper Saxondale Parish Council
Latest News & Events
Rushcliffe MP James Naish is holding a constituency surgery in our village hall on Friday 28th March 2025. James will be joining our regular coffee morning from around 12 noon to chat with residents and is then available for individual appointments afterwards. These can be booked by contacting Lizzie Clark, Constituency Office Manager, on 0115 646 6404 or email lizzie.clark@parliament.uk. You can follow James via his Facebook page.
DWH land transfer december 2024
Councillors Ian Storey (Chair) & Georgia Moore (Vice-Chair) of USPC signing the transfer documents at the last Parish Council meeting
Fantastic news! The land transfer from David Wilson Homes (DWH) to the Upper Saxondale Parish Council (USPC) has now been completed. This follows a fairly lengthy period of negotiations to agree the transfer deed and covenants, initiated by the Upper Saxondale Residents’ Association (USRA) and concluded by USPC. So thank you to all those involved in getting the transfer successfully completed, especially Councillor Ian Storey in his role as Chair of USRA and USPC.
This means that areas of land around the village, such as the parkland, Millennium Walk, the ‘bowl' area alongside Saxondale Drive and other pieces of land along Westminster Drive and elsewhere, now come under the management of USPC. As part of the land transfer DWH agreed to pay a sum of money to provide for the ongoing management of the land. USPC are preparing a programme of work on the land, both of one-off remediation and routine maintenance. Please remember that USPC holds regular monthly meetings and residents are welcome to attend to observe the proceedings and ask questions in the open session. The next meeting is on Monday 13th January starting at 7pm in the village hall.
Parish COUNCIL Newsletter October 2024
Pages 1-4 of the Parish Council newsletter October 2024
This year’s Parish Council newsletter has been posted through all village household letterboxes, is also displayed on the two main noticeboards (just along from Venezia and by the bus turning circle) and can be downloaded via this link.
It highlights some of the year’s achievements for the Parish Council and the volunteers who all contribute to making our village a beautiful place to live. From caring for the orchard and woodland, refurbishing the playpark, holding weekly Friday coffee mornings giving residents chance to meet and chat with others and eat scrumptious cake too, and organising social and talk events and the popular Open Gardens. There's details of upcoming events and Open Gardens 2025 on the final pages.
New Parish Councillor Karen Land april 2024
Councillor Karen Land who joined the parish council in April 2024
Welcome to Karen Land, who at the April meeting was co-opted onto the Parish Council. She is a village resident and brings a wealth of experience to her councillor role.
Karen applied to become a councillor in the recent recruitment drive to fill the two remaining vacancies.
There is still one councillor vacancy, so if you would like to get involved then please contact the parishclerk@uppersaxondale.com
annual parish meeting MAY 2024
The first annual parish meeting is being held in the Village Hall on Friday 10th May 2024, from 7.00-9.00pm.
As we celebrate a year of being our own parish, come and meet your parish councillors and find out what’s been happening during the last twelve months.
Listen to short presentations about what has been achieved, followed by an open session with an opportunity for you to ask questions. We’ll also be asking for residents’ views about projects for the year ahead.
Light refreshments will be served giving time to chat with your parish councillors and fellow residents.
Parish Council newsletter August 2023
Dear Resident
The newly formed Upper Saxondale Parish Council (USPC) is now operational. Council meetings will be held in the village hall and meeting dates will be advertised on the Upper Saxondale website, Facebook and notice boards. The next meeting will be on 4th September at 7pm. The main point of contact for the USPC is by emailing parishclerk@uppersaxondale.com
Parish Councillors are all volunteers and in addition we have many other volunteers helping in a variety of ways to make our community what it is today. Should you have any spare time your help would be much appreciated. Please email info@uppersaxondale.com to volunteer.
We want to take this opportunity to share with you our current plans. We aim to:
Communicate with residents via the Upper Saxondale website - www.uppersaxondale.com, notice boards and USPC meetings. All residents are welcome to attend USPC meetings as observers. There will be a slot on every meeting agenda to give residents a chance to speak and ask questions. Councillors’ contact details will be listed on the website and notice boards.
Work with David Wilson Homes (DWH) towards a timely handover of DWH’s remaining land at Upper Saxondale to USPC and to ensure that prior to handover DWH complete the agreed schedule of work. This will include re-surfacing a large area of the back road leading to the village hall, refurbishing the pergolas, filling the tunnels under the parkland for safety reasons, making good paved areas and replacing trees. Once USPC own this land we will have the resources and ability to make a real difference and to address any further areas of neglect.
Work closely with the USRAcic committee to ensure that all USRAcic assets (including the land previously transferred by DWH to USRA) are transferred to USPC. We will then be in a position to manage all the non-private land at Upper Saxondale holistically. This will also include maintaining the children’s play area and ensuring all bins including dog bins are emptied. We will work with FUSCA (Friends of Upper Saxondale Conservation Area) to prioritise areas needing attention.
Encourage new and work with existing volunteers and volunteer groups within the community.
Form an events working group consisting of both Councillors and volunteers to benefit residents by arranging one-off and annual events.
Create a tennis club working group of Councillors and volunteers in order to make maximum use of the tennis facilities for the benefit of residents.
Engage with residents to make sure that we are serving the needs of our community.
Promote the voice of our parish to Borough and County Councillors.
Continue to work to ensure that Upper Saxondale remains a great place to live.
We look forward to welcoming you to future meetings.
Ian Storey Chair
Georgia Moore Vice-chair
Kim Kupfer Councillor
Iris Morgan Councillor
Cathy Ridge Councillor
Download the August 2023 newsletter.