We are always keen to welcome new volunteers to help with all sorts of village activities, and it's a great way to get more involved with the community and meet people. If you can spare a couple of hours every so often then it would be wonderful to hear from you.
All of our parish councillors are volunteers. We still have one councillor vacancy so if you’d like to get involved then contact parishclerk@uppersaxondale.com. There’s also more information on our March/April 2024 recruitment drive page.
Village Hall
The hall is used for regular classes and village social events. But we need more volunteers to help look after the hall so we can re-open bookings for one-off party bookings. Volunteering involves checking the hall after each booking to ensure it’s been left clean and safe. If you can help, contact us at info@uppersaxondale.com
Coffee Mornings
We hold coffee mornings most Friday’s in the Village Hall. It’s a lovely place to meet with friends and neighbours, and enjoy scrumptious cake and coffee and tea. Any money raised is donated to charity. We need volunteers every few weeks to help serve refreshments. If you can help, contact Veronica Ball 07872 300770.
caring for the land
We have a lot of beautiful mature land surrounding our village, from the well established woodland areas, orchard and soft fruit garden that need taking care of. And very soon the parkland area, previously the responsibility of David Wilson Homes, will be transferred to the Parish Council. We need volunteers to help with all aspects of caring for the land, such as tidy ups in Spring and Winter and clearing overgrown areas throughout the year. These are promoted via the village Facebook page and notices posted around the village noticeboards. You can also send your details to info@uppersaxondale.com and we can add you to a mailing list.
Friends of Upper Saxondale Conservation Area
Perhaps you would like to be part of this group who's remit is to make recommendations to the Parish Council about how budgets should be spent on maintenance for parish council owned land. You can find more information on their website page.
The Tennis Club is always looking for volunteers to help in any capacity, from club admin to organising tennis socials. If you’re interested contact uppersaxondaletennisclub@gmail.com