Regular Events

If you’re interested in attending any of the classes listed below, please contact the instructors to check for availability and costs.


The hall is not free on Monday mornings, whilst it’s being cleaned, and in the evenings when Parish Council meetings are being held, which is usually every 4-weeks. List of Parish Council meeting dates.


Blissful Bumps by inHale - Gentle Pregnancy Yoga, Calming Hypnobirthing Techniques & Social time for expectant mums: 19:30 - 21:00
Suitable for all from 14 weeks up until birth. Beginners Welcome.      
Hayley Cockayne: 07717 843316   


Pilates: 10:00 - 11:00 & 18:30 - 19:30      
Sarah Storey: 07799 038253


Wriggly Daisies by inHale - Baby yoga, Sensory story & play: 10:00 - 11:00
Suitable from 4.5 months to first independent steps.
Tiny Daisies by inHale - Baby massage, Postnatal movement & Relaxation: 11:30 - 12:30 Suitable from birth to 6 months.
Hayley Cockayne: 07717 843316
[This is replacing the Daisy Foundation classes previously run by Hayley]

Yoga: 18:30 - 20:00
Susie Cox: 07976 961011
Susie says “I am a Hatha Yoga Teacher trained with The British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), The Satyananda School of Yoga & White Space Yoga for Yoga Asana Practice, Meditation Practice, Yoga to support Mental Health & Restorative Yoga practice. My charges are £7 per class, pay as you go or BACS. All new students need to complete a health questionnaire and GDPR form issued from BWY. Booking is essential for track and trace information and to comply with limits on numbers attending. Please ring for a chat if you would like more information.”      


Coffee & Cake Mornings: 10:30 - 12:30
Village volunteers serving scrumptious homemade refreshments.

Parish Council Events Group: periodically from 7:00pm
Not held every Friday but when they’ve organised something wonderful and entertaining for residents to enjoy.


Pilates: 09:30-10:30      
Sarah Storey: 07799 038253


Chrissie Chung (Yoga, Meditation & Mentoring) Tending the Heart workshops.
Usually the last Sunday of each month but dates can vary. Contact Chrissie for more details.

Alopecia UK Local Support Group
Meetings held bi-monthly and run by village resident Alice Austin. For more details and future meeting dates contact Alice via the charity’s website: