POLICY Documents
Filename, link and size
Code of Conduct 18.5.23.pdf 3.9 Mb
Complaints Procedure 20.5.24.pdf 567 Kb
Data Protection Policy 5.2.24.pdf 692 Kb
Disciplinary Policy 5.2.24.pdf 810 Kb
Equality and Diversity policy 5.2.24.pdf 179 Kb
Grievance Policy 5.2.24.pdf 710 Kb
Investment Policy 04.11.24.pdf 773Kb
Publication Scheme 20.5.24.pdf 502 Kb
Reserves Policy 4.11.24.pdf 862 Kb
Standing Orders 20.5.24.pdf 930 Kb
other documents
Filename, link and size
Employers Liability Certificate.pdf 76 Kb
Public Liability Letter.pdf 142 Kb