Welcome to Upper Saxondale Parish Council

On 1st April 2023 we became our own parish of Upper Saxondale, within the Borough of Rushcliffe. In the May 2023 local elections the Upper Saxondale Parish Council (USPC) was formed.

Our website aims to provide the statutory information parish councils are required to publish, who our parish councillors are, agendas and minutes of meetings, and details of projects and activities undertaken by the parish councillors and other village volunteers.

We’ve also included information about our village, its facilities such the village hall and tennis courts, its setting in mature parkland within a conservation area, history as the former Saxondale Hospital site, and links to local information and organisations. We also share news on Facebook.

Our website is managed by village volunteers on behalf of the Upper Saxondale Parish Council and the previous Residents’ Association (USRA). Please explore the website and let us have any feedback via our contact form.

Image: The six parish councillors & parish clerk at April 2024 meeting

Meet our parish councillors and find out what they do to care for our village

Image: Village hall building surrounded by mature trees

There’s fitness classes, Friday morning coffee and cakes, and social events in the village hall

Image: Adults playing tennis on village courts

We have a local tennis club with three well-maintained hard courts

Image: Wooden garden bench with spring blossom on fruit trees

We always need more volunteers to help make our village a great place to live